

UX/UI Design

Leader in the production of dog treats chooses CMS Webflow

The Polish leader in the segment of dog treats, Maced, has chosen Webflow to implement the product website of its leading brand DogWay.

The task set by the owner of the DogWay brand of the Hilvec agency

DogWay is a brand owned by the well-known Maced company. This is a family-owned company that has been creating high-quality pet treats for 30 years. It is one of the largest snack manufacturers in Europe and the market leader in this segment.

The marketing department of Maced commissioned our agency to create a catalog of products for their leading brand DogWay on the Polish market. The new website is part of the overall brand rebranding process. The investor's positive experience with CMS Webflow, prompted us to use this technology again, this time to create a product website Dogway.pl.

What is the purpose of the Dogway.pl website?

The main objective of the website is to present the DogWay brand and the entire range of products it offers. The target group, described in more detail below, are dog owners and enthusiasts. The website aims to raise brand awareness, its recognition and arouse in users and dog owners the desire to buy the highest quality delicacies. The mission of the DogWay brand is to raise awareness of the importance of the role of the dog in social life, to promote “dog-friendly” places.

From the point of view of the Marketing Department, the website was supposed to be easy and the possible change of content easy and intuitive. Webflow has already proven itself in the corporate website of the company, which is why the Dogway.pl website was also built on the basis of this CMS system.

Target group

The target group to which the DogWay offer is addressed are primarily active dog owners, residents of large cities, who value convenience and accessibility. These are people who like to spend their free time away from home. Often together with your pet on bond-building walks and trainings. These are individuals of almost any age without a clear division into gender.

However, it is worth paying attention to the markets in which the company develops sales of DogWay brand products. First of all, it is Poland, but the brand is also strongly present on the German, French and UK markets.

Briefly about the implementation

We started our work by analyzing the brief, talking to the marketing department of Maced and determining the structure of the page, which we wrote down and arranged in a working diagram. Visual development of subpages allows you to better understand the construction of the website.

Dogway.pl website map

As usual, we started the design work from the main page, thus developing a look&feel for the entire created website. In the design of the Dogway.pl website, we used short video forms to strengthen the interest of users.

For many years, the DogWay brand has meticulously created a knowledge base by publishing articles on the blog. We decided to continue this tradition, being aware of how much impact it can have on the SEO of the site. We built a blog by importing all the stories from the WordPress we used before.

View online: DogWay Natural Dog Treats


One of the determinants of the success of the website is the increase in traffic on the site, which will be supported by Google Ads and Facebook Ads. We will have to wait a while for the effects of these actions.

Another goal of the website is to strengthen brand awareness, brand recognition in the modern channel. Through the website DogWay delicacies are present in the public space, and the customer is aware of the possibility of purchasing a quality product in the most popular retail chains.

In a short video on YouTube, we discussed the most important advantages of the site made by us. Take a look, if you want to realize a similar site, we will gladly discuss with you the details of the project, its purpose and the specifics of implementation.

We are very satisfied with the cooperation on the Dogway.pl project. The deadlines were met, everything went according to our expectations.
Anna Szczesniak
Digital Marketing Specialist Maced
UX/UI Design