
Webwriting or web copywriting, why is it so important?


Webwriting is, in addition to design, one of the most important aspects that affects the effects of a given website and other interactive products. Only properly designed and placed in a suitable place on the page of content are able to influence the conversion, the number of orders, requests for proposals or the number of calls to the company. Why do we attach so much importance to texts?

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Webwriting and its principles - Why is it so important?

Webwriting, seo copywriting and other issues related to writing texts for websites is not such a simple thing as it might seem at first glance. Writing content for the Internet is significantly different from creating various kinds of papers, press releases and other similar documents. The knowledge obtained by students of Polish studies and related fields is insufficient, and people without experience in creating content on the web may have a big problem developing good results for the company. Why Should You Outsource Webwriting to a Professional?

Treści tekstowe do internetu nazywane są webwritingiem
Writing content for the Internet is very different from that created for offline applications

Structure of the text

Whether we write content for the homepage, the product description to created online store, whether we are considering an offer subpage, we should take care of the structure of the material, the degrees of the headings and the key phrases related to the specific industry. Users of sites and websites do not always read all the text they see. Much more often, they only scan all the content and stop their eyes only on the elements that will attract their attention in a special way. A person without experience can write a text that does not meet the expectations of the customer, for example, it will not correspond to the standard directions of movement of the eyes on the website. The professional, on the other hand, will take care to present the content in a way adapted to the standards and habits of modern users.


Internal links in the texts on the site make it easier for users to find themselves among the growing number of articles or products or categories. With a lot of content on the site, it is worth taking care of hyperlinks in the right places. In this way, we can help the customer to navigate the site easily and intuitively, and at the same time increase the overall value of the page and the positions of specific key phrases in the search engine. However, remember that the links in the text should be closely related to the subject of a given subpage.

SEO copywriting

Webwriting is not only texts that will interest users. It is worth taking care that they simultaneously position the website or online store in the search engine. This is an aspect thanks to which the company can gain an advantage in both the local and national markets and win an even greater number of customers. The treatment allows you to find a given site by typing specific key phrases that can define the products or services offered. Writing texts for a website according to the rules of seo requires extensive knowledge in this field. Sometimes only a professional is able to organize the content in such a way that it sells and positions well at the same time.

Consistent layout between the page and its content

The use of user experience principles on a website or website is essential if we want the investment to pay off over a long period of time. The design of the website will be most effective when we take care of the consistency between the graphic elements and the content. Transparency is one of the most important principles. If you forgot the right text size, headings, font types and other details, you might as well forget about high sales and interest from potential customers.

How to combine effective content with its appeal and aesthetics? - Learn UX writing and microcopy

The work of a marketer and copywriter can often be frustrating. These professionals spend a lot of time creating inspiring content, sharing interesting data, and creating truly engaging content. All this so that the texts reach the recipient of our website, but the conversion still... does not budge. So let's consider with an example what role can play here and what significance UX writing and microcopy can have.

UX copywriting. Copywriter, UX Designer
UX writing is a combination of copywriting skills and user experience

An example is the Carnegie Mellon study from the University of Pittsburgh. It showed that a small change from “$5 fee” to “small fee of $5” increased the number of DVD registrations by 20%. Although this is an old study (2007 year), our perception of sales content has not changed since then.

Another example would be communicating a gratuity in our offer. By writing:

“you will receive product x for free” we are less likely to convert than using the phrase “you will receive product x for free”. The use of the word “payment” in the phrase arouses in the user the feeling that the goods have a price, and using this offer, they really gain something. In the first example, in the first example, he subconsciously assimilates the information that a given good is normally “free”, so he has no motivation to reach for it (he may consider it worthless).

Effective UX writing perfectly captures the quote of Roxanna Aliage - UX Writer from Dropbox, who on the pages of the portal in her article entitled Learn UX Writing With Roxy, writes:

Changing the text on a button can affect whether someone clicks or not, which can translate into millions of dollars in additional profits
Roxanny Aliage
UX Writer at Dropbox

It is worth knowing that when writing texts for websites, we should find a compromise between what the search engine likes and what and how users react. Once we succeed in this art, we can count on good financial results and sales growth.

UX writing and SEO copywriting elements of webwriting

What should we pay attention to so that our texts on the website, store or web application are more useful to users? To generate more sales and simply be more business-efficient?

Let's look at the points that are worth taking care of so that our text not only reaches the audience as a marketing message, but also reaches their awareness and prompts them to perform a specific action. Learn the basic principles of good and effective UX writing, and the impressions of your potential customers will be much more positive.

The right language

Texts whose task is to present a company's product or services in a favorable way often focus on the technical description itself. Unfortunately, potential customers may not understand any of this, which does not encourage them to buy at all. Pages that use the language of benefits for offers and descriptions are much more attractive from the user's point of view. This is because the texts are then focused on the real needs of the client from the target group. They show him how he can make his life easier or reach his goals by purchasing and using the items on offer.

Rely on examples

In the article you are reading, we used the results of research and relied on other reliable sources. So you yourself see that the use of such knowledge affects the effectiveness of the content on the website. Do likewise. A person subconsciously needs something to which he can relate.

Write content with humor and remember that you write for people

You can create a graphically beautiful landing page, but it is worth being aware of the broader context in which your site is located. You should know the user's travel path, know where he is coming from and where he is going. Match the message on the page to the target audience, show yourself from the “human” side and try to be sympathetic.

Take a look at the example of MailChimp. This company likes to use humor in their lyrics. At the end of the registration process, they implemented a captcha confirmation, allowing users to “Confirm Humanity”. In this way, they make the audience smile, encourage them to continue and reduce the number of people who quit.

ux writing mail chimp
Match the message to the target audience

Write as simple as possible

Complicated and sophisticated vocabulary can impress experts in your industry. But keep in mind that customers may not be, and when they don't understand you, they won't benefit from your services or products either.

Take a look at the example of Brand24, which explains in a simple way what their service is all about. He does not use difficult and professional vocabulary.

Simple language is a characteristic feature of texts written for the Internet
Source: Brand24

Instead of writing, “use a web monitoring tool” on the homepage, they constructed the phrase: “see mentions of your business from social media, news sites, blogs, forums, review sites, and more.” This makes it much easier to understand the whole service, right?


Whenever possible, introduce A/B tests to see which version of the texts on your website or online store is of greater interest to customers.

Webwriting - Advantages of choosing a specialist

The above information made it possible to conclude with certainty that writing texts for websites is not an easy task. This is one of the reasons why a huge number of companies outsource the creation of texts to professionals. A professional copywriter will make sure that the content is focused on the client and his needs, is easy and pleasant to read, and also builds the advantage of the company in the long term.

Webwriting currently does not have strict regulations. If during writing a question arises about spelling rules and stylistic procedures, the answer and the implemented solution should be dictated by the feelings and preferences of users from a given target group.


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