
Valuation of a website or web application - What affects it?

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Every company at some stage of its activity reaches a point where it considers the creation of a website or web application necessary. Sometimes it is the moment when you already have a website, but there is a need to update and develop. However, how much does a website cost? What to expect from a website quote? Sometimes we may wonder why a website's valuation is high or low. We tried to supplement the knowledge and dispel doubts. Find out what factors affect costs the most!

Table of Contents

Valuation of a website or web application - What affects it?

The valuation of a website done in a professional manner includes many elements. The right interpretation will allow us to understand the business value behind each of them and make sure of the final decision.

UX Graphic Design

Creation of a website requires graphic design of all elements. Modifying an existing design, due to the need to fit the whole into the structure of the software, can be more expensive than ordering a new graphic design made from scratch.

Projekt graficzny i UX istotnym elementem wyceny strony internetowej
Graphic design and UX an important element of website valuation

At the same time, the website will be priced differently when the client already has a graphic design, but is looking for a professional and reliable contractor. Then a development team is made available to him, who will skillfully program the service that the client expects in consultation with the designated designers.

Research with users

What if the company does not know who exactly the page should be directed to? What should we do when we want the web application to be as useful as possible to the target audience? This is when the customer decides to do UX research, which is an additional cost! The investment in this type of service increases the overall valuation of the website or application, but its use increases personalization and the chance of the final success of the project. There are many types of research, and in choosing the best one to analyze user behavior, the selected software house or digital agency.

Badania UX wycena strony internetowej lub aplikacji web
UX research can be an important part of website valuation

Extra security

The valuation of the website also changes with the decision to apply additional security. Starting from the basic elements, like SSL certificate, to professional software testing and ending. Specialized security tests can start with a budget of several thousand zlotys. Their presence in the valuation can also raise the final limit. If, on the other hand, the customer does not have sensitive data in his service, and the basic range of security is sufficient for him, the valuation will be lower.

The degree of advancement of the individual functionalities and the technology used

The factor that most influences the valuation level of a website or web application. Simply put, functionalities are all the actions and actions that our website is supposed to perform in the future. Will customers be able to log in? Are non-standard technological solutions envisaged? How is the website supposed to react with the consumer?

The degree of advancement of the listed functions in the selected expectations is the starting point for the overall valuation. The Agency must assess with the programming team how it assesses the achievable deadline and the degree of difficulty of the individual values on the list. Based, among other things, on the basis of this information, the technology that will be used in the construction of the site is selected in the next step. Depending on expectations, the agency is able to use technical knowledge and select programming languages that allow obtaining the best end result within a given time frame and budget.

Possibly, if the valuation of the website exceeds the customer's expectationsThis is where the negotiations will go. One of the proven solutions is to remove individual functionalities at the initial stage with a view to implementing them at the next point of product development. We then gain time to test it in the basic version and get funds to create additional batches.

Amount of data to be included on a page or in a web application

Another aspect that affects the price of the service is the amount of data that the company would like to manage within the product and the way it is processed. It is obvious that a system that only collects data and allows efficient management of it will be more attractive in price than software based on the use of artificial intelligence. It all depends on the indicated needs of a particular company, on the basis of which a tailored solution is proposed.

Copywriting, Effective Content

All content that will appear on the site, on the site or in the web application should be written by a specialist. Writing texts for individual subpages requires knowledge of consumer habits, working marketing practices, as well as language structures. It is only by using marketing tools that our chances increase, and the impact of the service on the website's valuation pays off in the long term. Content for the website - webwriting - are created once for a long period of time. Their presence pays off over the years.

Web writing I UX writing wycena strony internetowej lub aplikacji webowej
Webwriting I UXwriting is the art of writing texts for websites. It can have a significant impact on the final valuation of a website or web application

The presence of CMS for site management

The website can be created in a version with the use of CMS and without it. If the customer chooses a version of the website without the mentioned panel, he will not be able to manage the content on his own. For this, he will need a programmer or another person who knows the code and has the skills to make effective changes to it.

The solution that is currently chosen by the vast majority of customers is a website with a pre-programmed content management panel. If you have had contact with Wordpress, this is the place where you add content, blog articles and other elements to effectively manage all the information on the site. The presence of a CMS is often needed, regardless of whether we are creating a dedicated solution or on open source software, since most projects require regular updates, content additions, changes in the offer or other modifications. Then it turns out that even if there is an opportunity to save money at first with the help of a solution without CMS, it is not profitable at all in the long run. Any change can then cost the client a fortune, when in the case of having his own panel, he will easily make any necessary updates from the point of view of the company.

However, it is worth noting that with small websites, for example, such as one page site (the page consists of only one page, the main page) CMS can unnecessarily increase the cost of the site. If we do not plan frequent changes to the site, it is not necessary to change the content.

Lead time

A factor that is associated with the price due to the greater amount of resources that must be organized in the case of a short time frame. Sometimes the amount of work that is to be done in a shorter time than originally proposed requires the agency to launch additional project recruitments, reorganize teamwork and launch other procedures. All in order to finally provide the customer with what they need. Moving the deadline, however, can significantly raise the price.

If a customer would like to launch an interactive product that the company believes will change a given market segment, sometimes it is not worth waiting. Then each working month is worth its weight in gold, which makes the difference in the proposed price acceptable.

Price ranges and website valuation - What to expect?

What conclusion can be made by reading and analyzing the above points? The valuation of websites, like most products in the creative industry, requires knowledge of the expectations and needs of the company. An interactive agency, on the other hand, will only get to know the client if he asks the right number of questions about expectations. Developed solutions, knowledge and experience are necessary to propose options tailored to the company. The best interactive agencies remember that it is not the client's responsibility to program, but to run the business in their sector and industry. We always try to conduct such a thorough interview so that next time we can respond with an offer that is as attractive as possible for business.

We are aware that only products that have a business justification in the company's activities, a solid strategic foundation and professional contractors have a chance to survive in today's competitive market. Start our adventure together by sending your first inquiry!

Estimating the value of an existing website

Have you ever wondered how much your website is worth? Estimating the value of a site can be extremely important, both for site owners and potential investors. But, how exactly to conduct such a valuation and why it is so important.

The value of a website is made up of many factors, such as traffic, user engagement, ad revenue and brand value.  However, evaluating these factors can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are many tools and metrics that can help you assess the value of your site.

Analyzing website traffic

The first step in assessing the value of your website is to analyze your website traffic. There are many tools that can help you in this process. One of the most popular tools is Google Analytics. It allows you to track and analyze traffic to your site, such as the number of visitors, traffic sources, time spent on the site and more.

Analyzing this data provides insight into the popularity of your site. Higher traffic means higher user interest, which can affect the value of your site. If your site attracts a large number of visitors and keeps them for longer, this is a good sign.

It is also important to analyze the quality of traffic to your site. Are users engaging with content, commenting, sharing or making purchases? A high level of user engagement can indicate that your site has valuable content and interactivity.

Remember, however, that the value of a site does not depend only on traffic. There are many other factors that affect its value.

Analyze the monetization potential of a website

Another important aspect of assessing the value of a website is to analyze its monetization potential. How can your site be monetized? Do you use advertising, affiliate programs or sell products or services?

If your site generates revenue from advertising, it is important to see what that revenue is and how it is growing. There are many tools, such as Google AdSense or affiliate platforms, that can help you track and analyze ad revenue.

If you sell products or services, it's worth paying attention to turnover and sales trends. Are your sales growing, or are they stagnant? Analyzing this data will help you estimate the potential profits associated with your site.

It is also worth noting the brand value of your site. Is your site recognizable and valued by users? If so, this can affect its value, especially to potential investors.

Tools and sources for assessing the value of a website

Fortunately, there are many tools and sources that can help you assess the value of your website. Here are a few of them:

  1. Google Analytics - The aforementioned tool that allows you to track and analyze website traffic, traffic sources and more.
  2. Ahrefs - An SEO tool that allows you to analyze your site's visibility in search results and link analysis.
  3. Semrush - Similar to Ahrefs, Semrush offers search engine visibility analysis tools, but also allows you to analyze your competitors.
  4. Moz - Another SEO tool that allows you to analyze search engine visibility, links and other factors affecting your site's SEO.
  5. Flippa - A platform where you can buy and sell websites. It is also a useful source of information on the value of websites.

Using these tools and sources, you will be able to more accurately assess the value of your website.


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