
Types of online stores - Dedicated solution, open source or SaaS platform?

Types of online stores

It is said that regardless of what we are going to do, always the beginnings are the most difficult and require the most commitment. Often we need to acquire even basic knowledge in a given field and make decisions that will affect our business in the future. Likewise with online sales. In order to sell effectively on the Internet, we ask ourselves a lot of questions to choose the best solution.

One such question is whether our online store will be created with the help of a dedicated solution, an open source implementation or a SaaS platform. We will only make a good decision if we know the characteristics of each of the solutions and decide on the one that best suits our business and vision of development.

Table of Contents

Types of online stores - Features of each of the solutions

It is rightly considered that any solution is good as long as we adapt it appropriately to your company, its size, its vision of development, the products it offers and the budget it currently has. We did everything to collect in one place the characteristics and compare individual solutions, types of online stores with each other. Thus, choosing the best in one, specific situation will not be a problem. If, on the other hand, after reading the comparison, additional questions arise, we will gladly consult each of them during the conversation.

Wybór sklepu internetowego nie jest procesem łatwym
Choosing an online store technology is a complex process

Costs and necessary investments over time

Creating an online store some people think about cost optimization, while others invest easily because they know that the investment will pay off over time. The large number of solutions on the market can cause that, without knowing which contractor to opt for, we choose the one who sends the offer first or, worse, its offer will be the cheapest. This is not a very good method, as many entrepreneurs have already found out. We put the needs of the business first, and only then adjust the solution. However, what is worth considering when analyzing the valuations of companies implementing online stores? How do we know which solution is right for us? What types of online stores to consider?

Open source software - One of the most popular decisions among entrepreneurs is the creation of an online store with open source implementation. Examples of such solutions are WooCommerce and PrestaShop. Often chosen by experienced sellers. It combines with relatively low implementation costs with the need for only basic functions. Unfortunately, if we decide on advanced functionalities or additional options that will have to be created anew, we have to reckon with additional expenses. The solution is usually preferred with possible, large cash outlays and an even greater vision of development.

SaaS subscription store - The SaaS platform ensures the start of sales practically after a while, with minimal entry costs. For the entire period of running the store, we pay a low, monthly subscription, and we do not have to worry about technical support. We only pay extra for additional, advanced, individual functionalities that are not available by default in the platform. It has been accepted that these improvements are often not necessary for the sale of standard products, but it is better to blow cold. This means that we should look for a platform from the beginning that has good customer service and complementary products available. If we decide on a subscription, ready-made online store without paying attention to it, later we may have a huge problem with making the desired changes. Moving the store, products and other elements of it involves additional costs that we will not incur if we take care of the right supplier from the beginning.

See also: Webflow - is it worth it? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this unique solution

Dedicated online store - Dedicated solution is the most expensive option to implement, but less expensive to maintain. A dedicated online store often needs to be operated by a single interactive agency, most often a software manufacturer. Costs can increase with additional solutions and a change of agency, where developers will have to familiarize themselves with someone else's code. In the case of the SME sector, this usually turns out to be an inaccessible and unprofitable solution. On the other hand, companies that value having their own software as an added value in the company aim only for this solution. However, the range of possible prices is so high that each case must be considered individually, according to the indicated needs and objectives. However, the fact is that a dedicated store is one of the most expensive types of online stores that we can choose.

Online store flexibility and service

However, costs are not everything when we think about developing a business in the ecommerce industry. Other factors are also important. The flexibility of the online store and service cannot be overlooked. Indeed, their level, neglected at the very beginning, can later cause large costs associated with the obstacles encountered on the way to their business goals.

Obsługa sklepu internetowego
Online store operation as one of the elements of platform selection

Open Source Deployments is the ability to adapt the online store to the market and customer in a given industry through available plugins and extensions. Then you can minimally adjust the existing plug, and the need will be satisfied. Contrary to appearances, however, for many modules we will have to pay even several thousand zlotys, and we may not find more advanced ones at all. Usually, the service itself is also intuitive for the customer. Sometimes a few hours are enough to conduct a short training for those responsible for operating the store, and they themselves will be able to use the implemented functions.

If we decide to run an online store based on SaaS software, for starters, we will get a lot of functionality. For example, on the platform Selly there are so many modules and functions in the basic version that novice sellers do not think about buying additional options. Flexibility in this case, however, is severely limited, since it is the software provider that provides the technology. To make a difference, we have to pay and wait patiently for our expectations to be met. The panel in SaaS platforms is intuitive and easy for the operator in most cases. Noteworthy here is, for example, the platform Webflow eCommerce, the operation of which is child's play. Only in some cases, the client will have to click longer to find the function they are looking for. However, always at the moment of ignorance, he can go to the provider for help, and he will certainly receive it.

It is rightly said that dedicated systems In eCommerce, they are the most flexible. We can do practically anything with them. However, the prerequisite is to have a qualified team of developers. Theoretically, there are no limitations in the case of technology, but for some functionalities we can pay more and for others a little less. Deploying a store on a dedicated platform written especially for us is not something that is done once a week. With the administration of the online store, there is a similar principle, as with the functionalities. We will easily match it to the customer's preferences. However, it is worth knowing that the received product will not be known to us. We will probably have to spend a few hours training to learn it. We can reap the benefits over the years.


Which of the solutions gives us the most security? Does choosing one of the solutions increase the chances of an attack? Which choice will be the most secure in terms of protecting user data? Let's look at the issue of security when choosing each of the options presented.

Bezpieczeństwo sklepu internetowego
Security in the online store is important for both the buyers and the owner of the online store

Deciding on open source software and creating an online store on your own, security issues are on our side. Among other things, it is required that, regardless of the choice of software, regular updates are carried out. This allows you to reduce the risk of an attack on an older version of the software and thus, interception of any data from our website. Otherwise we are exposed. For example, in the case of choosing Wordpress and WooCommerce plugin, a large part of all the websites created in the world are made using this technology. This makes it more familiar, also to those who are potential threats, but with regular updates and the care of a professional interactive agency, we should remain calm.

The situation is different when we choose SaaS platform and monthly subscription. Then issues related to server and software security usually do not concern us directly. The supplier completely removes the obligation to take care of the technical aspects and allows us to focus on building other competitive advantages of the company. However, you should always check the company whose services we plan to use, because by submitting product data, users and ours, we must be sure of its professionalism and experience.

Assuming that we will be able to enter into cooperation with a reliable contractor dedicated software, here we certainly have a chance to get top-notch security. The individual code of the online store and modern solutions created in a way tailored to the needs make the entire system less known and, consequently, more difficult to crack. We must also, as in the case of the open source option, take care of regular updates and constant care. Failure to fulfill obligations may result in consequences. In conclusion, modern solutions found on the market allow you to obtain security at the highest level. We should only ensure that our safeguards and contractors are up to date with whom we are confident.

Who most often decides on each of the listed technological solutions?

It is safe to say that which choice a trader makes depends to a greater extent on his expectations of the software. The decision should always be made on the basis of analysis and reliable data obtained from professionals. Otherwise, the final decision on which type of online store we choose may not meet the requirements, and its implementation turns out to be excessively long or other obstacles arise.

Dropship-based stores - What do sellers choose who want to reduce their role in the software development and production process to a minimum? How to test ideas with a relatively small amount of costs involved? Companies that do not have available capital opt for a SaaS-based platform. However, it must meet their needs in connection with the integration with a specific e-commerce product wholesaler of their choice. Another situation is when sellers are confident in the products and the investment is long-term. With their plan to become a market leader, you can observe a tendency to decide on opting for open source, which can also be a good idea.

Online stores with medium or small quantities of goods - As for the SME sector along with small or medium-sized online stores, there is no rule here. Depending on the needs of a particular company, the demand it signals and the expected time from the start of work to implementation, another option is chosen. Resources, the needs of the employees who operate the store, the quantity and type of goods, as well as other variables are also affected. Hence, it is often necessary to consult an interactive agency to estimate the demand.

Advanced online stores that are leaders in their industries, with a large number of products - Companies that want to become a leader in their industry, and most importantly, to treat the software of an online store as part of the company's capital, decide on dedicated solutions. Thanks to this, they are sure of obtaining a tailor-made effect, both in terms of design, graphic and technical. Even when, in this case, much more time passes from the start of work to the implementation, the customer remains satisfied. However, the effect depends to a large extent on the professionalism of the partner. We will be happy to help you build exactly such an e-store so that the company gains security, aesthetics and, above all, the functionalities that the customer expects.

Types of online stores in Poland - Statistics

Based on the data presented on, two open source technologies under the banner WooCommerce and PrestaShop dominate in Poland in 2023. However, the SaaS solution Shoper is already in third place. It should be noted here that the Polish statistics are different from the global ones. Globally, the leader is the WooCommerce engine, and in second place used mainly in the USA Shopify. It is worth noting here that analyzing the past years, the importance of Shopify in Poland is growing very dynamically. Back in 2020, the Shopify platform was not visible in statistics, today it is already 5% of the Polish market.

Based on this data, it is clear that SaaS and open source solutions are the most frequently deployed. Few entrepreneurs can afford dedicated services, but other aspects may also decide that such solutions are less popular, such as implementation time or lack of specific business requirements.

Used eCommerce technologies in Poland 2023

SaaS or open source - The eternal question of entrepreneurs

The situation is simpler when we choose to simply build our store from scratch, from the foundations. Then, without hesitation for too long, we will decide to start work on a dedicated store. But what if our decision fluctuates between open source solutions and subscription stores in the SaaS model?

It is necessary to take into account our needs and resources. In conclusion, let's say SaaS is for you when:

  • you do not have experience in online sales yet,
  • you want a ready-made tool that will allow you to launch sales almost “overnight”,
  • you care about time and entering the ecommerce industry in a relatively short time,
  • you do not have programming skills,
  • you do not have financial resources to expand the author's tool with the help of a professional programmer and designers,
  • Your products do not require advanced functionalities at the initial stage.

If you are closer to the following situations, it may be worth considering open source software, which we will be happy to help you implement efficiently and aesthetically. Currently, you have a lot of similar options to choose from. These include Wordpress and WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop, among others. Each of them is characterized by certain, individual characteristics or other costs. In general, as an online retailer, you should consider at least one of the above when:

  • you have experience in online sales and activities related to running an online store,
  • you want great opportunities in terms of self-expansion of the store,
  • you have the resources to finance a professional development team
  • Your time resources allow you to make configurations and any necessary integrations to ensure the proper functioning of the store.

Summary - Is there one, the best solution?

You can search for one, the best solution indefinitely. Read all articles about the advantage of one option over another and vice versa. Ask friends, other sellers and ask for opinions on groups. For months to study ecommerce reports or analyze every store we will be on. Finally, it must be said that the best solutions are those that are made for a specific company. Your business, the products and the needs it signals are the most important in this situation. If someone doesn't know it, they won't be able to give you professional advice. Unless you tell him exactly about the functionalities, products and experience in the industry so far. However, make sure you know from the start that you are in contact with a trusted, reliable and experienced partner.

By telling us your needs and requirements, we will try to determine what type of store will be most beneficial to you and why. Get in touch with us!
Karol Połubiński
Head of New Business

Having basic knowledge, we are able to determine which solution will work for our company, products and development strategy. It is worth discussing the different types of online stores before making a decision. You can be sure that you will receive feedback on matching the best solution for your company after you send us a completed brief.


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