
Tenders for websites - How to prepare?

Tenders websites

Tenders for websites are held relatively often, but the competition in the industry is so numerous that winning is never certain. Immediately after receiving information about the current competition, it is worth starting work on the work plan and the first outline of the site project. The best interactive agencies create their procedures for similar occasions, which greatly increases their chances of receiving an order. What should we do to minimize the risk of losing and losing the time involved?

Table of Contents

Tenders for websites — How to prepare?

Preparing for a tender for a website requires a plan and the right resources, which is not always easy to organize in a short time. Building web sites often involves the preparation of a useful structure, aesthetic interface and ux mockups. Each of these activities is dedicated time and resources that cannot be committed to other, commercial projects at that time.

Our agency always takes care to properly plan all the work. We devote a large amount of time to the design stage, because we know that only high-quality implementation has a chance of gaining recognition and winning the client. The last project prepared by us presented a useful recruitment service, which was intended to support the HR department of a company from the industrial sector.

The goal in this situation was to present the company as a reliable and reliable employer. Thanks to the confidence aroused in potential candidates, she could count on a much larger number of applications received. Difficulties in acquiring qualified employees make it a necessity to put effort into user experience. In the near future, only employers who focus on employees have a chance of real and sustainable development of the company. How did we cope with the challenge posed to us? Details below!

Building websites — Our experience in preparing for a tender for websites

Planning a schedule of work on the project

An essential element that the best interactive agencies master perfectly is the proper organization of work. We have taken every care to allocate our time to participate in the tender and carry out other projects for the company's current clients. Thanks to this, we were able to distribute the individual stages in such a way as to cope with the guidelines without quality losses.

Selection of user experience designers and graphic designers who know the industry

Every company faces different problems every day, and knowledge of the industry for which we design significantly increases the chances of success of the venture. Therefore, a person who had previously had experience in successfully recruiting employees in the industrial sector for various positions had to participate in the project of the recruitment service. If no one of our team has had previous experience with a given industry for a given project, we specially organize external consultations. Thanks to this, we understand the needs of the customer even better.

Thorough reading of the guidelines

Many companies do not win tenders for websites because of a sloppy approach to documentation and guidelines. A cursory reading means that individual aspects are omitted, and consequently the service does not suit the company and its target group. Effective research, reading and analyzing needs is a stage that we have been working on for an extremely long time. We don't want to get to the point where we notice that the ladder is standing under the wrong wall only when we step on it. The best interactive agencies won't make decisions until they think they know the guidelines inside out.

Explanation of the applied treatments to the potential client

An essential element of the project should be explanations of individual elements in the website. The projects of our interactive agency are characterized by accuracy and lack of randomness, which we try to explain point by point by sending our proposal to a potential client. Thanks to this, the person on the other side does not need to have knowledge of user experience to interpret, evaluate and comment on the solutions used. Tenders for websites are processes in which you have to be creative and stand out from the competition, and these types of comments can be one of the elements that prevail to win.

Recruitment services and participation in tenders for websites — How did we design and explain the solutions on the website?

Pagina principal

We based the graphic design on the company's color scheme SO, that is, the color red, black and shades of gray.

The fundamental element influencing the development of almost every enterprise is man. People are a fundamental factor influencing the development and market success of most business and economic ventures. For this, we wanted visitors to the homepage to immediately feel the human element of AQ.

przetargi na strony internetowe
Home page of the recruitment website

The slider is designed to present the employees of the company, their photos, name, position and a short quote. It is very important that the potential candidate on the site is greeted, old- age, by a real employee of the company. It's human, natural, and prosocial. We will ensure that the ordering party will provide photos of employees (about 3-4) of different levels.

An element characteristic of the project is a graphic element in the form of 4 squares, where one of them has a red outline, building a message of care for the unit.

Another important element for potential candidates (especially lower and middle level) are the core hard values that the company offers. For the purposes of the graphic design, we assumed that these could potentially be: primary health care, a permanent contract for work or extensive opportunities to improve qualifications. We presented these elements in an extremely simple way, using a large amount of space (readability), enhancing the message with additional graphic elements.

Current pallet offers are the part of the homepage that is crucial from the point of view of usability. It must be simple to use and easy to read. We based the process of presenting offers, on a simple division into departments to which recruitment takes place. This is crucial for the simplicity of finding an offer. Potential candidates will first look for job offers in a field in which they have experience, specializations or simply interests or desire to develop. Of course, we do not close the way to the possibility of viewing all offers by placing a button “All positions”

A company is more to a person than just an employer. These are also the values that the management of the company is guided by. For this we decided to put a brief information on the core values of the company in the form of 3 simple and readable icons. It is about showing the broad horizons that characterize the company and its international character.

Subpage — list of offers

The list of vacancies is a subpage showing all positions, vacancies. The list is equipped with table filtering functions according to position, department and location (in a situation where the workplace is not the headquarters of the company in Starogard Gdański, e.g. Warsaw, Gdańsk, or the whole of Poland for sales representatives or related positions).

List of offers

The simplicity (ux) of this subpage seems important to us, so we have placed the description of the offer on the same page as a drop-down element activated after clicking on the “+”. It is important to reduce the number of necessary clicks and transitions to subpages to a minimum. Only by clicking on the “Apply for a position” button opens a separate window dedicated only to filling out the application form.

Subpage — apply for a position

An application form is just a seemingly simple form page. In practice, it may turn out that it is at this stage that there are most situations when users give up filling it or switch to other subpages of the site during the deconcentration of attention. That is why the ascetic design of this subpage is so important. The user should be focused on one thing here - filling out and sending an application for a vacant position.

Application form

Is it worth participating in tenders for websites and web applications?

In Polish business reality, participating in tenders for websites is always a thankless topic. Often the selection conditions are not precise, the time to prepare is too short, the documentation is chaotic, and the participation itself is often not paid in any way, which generates high costs (risks) for the agency. The main sin of organized tenders for sites is too much weight of price over quality when choosing a winning bid. This makes many IT companies avoid getting orders in this way.

Cary One participates in tenders sporadically. We carefully analyze each tender request, and decide on an ongoing basis whether we are able to invest our resources and whether to take part in a given tender.owych often "less is more". This means that sometimes it is worth thinking carefully about the use of each animation.
Przemysław Kot
Head of IT w Cary One

On the other hand, large companies, corporations or local government units only choose agencies to collaborate in the development and operation of websites in this way. Their needs and budgets can be huge so choosing an offer becomes a complex process. It is therefore worth considering each case individually and deciding whether it is worth involving the resources of the agency in a given tender or competition. So, if you are organizing a tender write to us, and perhaps we will take up the challenge.


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